Thursday 23 May 2013



相信大多數人都已經試過一些口服抗過敏藥,如Claritin, Reactine 或者 Aerius;也許在過去的日子里這些口服抗過敏藥挺有效的,或許在這個季節有些人可能覺得這些抗過敏藥,并沒有完全緩解其癥狀。如果這樣子的話,你就可能要考慮一下Benadryl。但是,它會讓產生睡意,還有可能需要一天內多次服用來緩解過敏癥狀。



 在美健藥房,cromolyn 12.5 ml以會員批發價$10.69出售

在美健藥房,Visine 抗過敏加強配方,以會員批發價$6.09出售

在市面上,有很多眼藥水都標注“過敏 (allergy)”和“眼睛痕癢( itchy eyes)”,但是卻沒含有抗過敏的成份在裏面。如果使用這些眼藥水,可能沒有以上的眼藥水那麼有效。請在購買前與藥劑師查詢。


NeilMed 洗鼻套裝,在美健藥房以會員批發價$12.59出售
Hydrasense 135ml 鼻子護理,在美健藥房以會員批發價$9.99出售




Can't stop sneezing and rubbing your itchy eyes?

You might feel like you have to cut down all the flowers and the trees in your neighborhood to relieve your symptoms, but you don't have to. There are a number of medications that can help you through this allergy season. Custom Care Pharmacy has them in stock at wholesale price for members everyday. It is still free to sign up, so don't delay!

Most people have tried taking a once-daily oral antihistamine like Claritin, Reactine or Aerius in the past. Although it may have worked previously, some may find that it does not sufficiently relieve all of their symptoms this season. If this is the case for you, you may want to consider using Benadryl. However, it can cause drowsiness and you may need to take it multiple times a day.

There are prescription antihistamines that are stronger than the over-the-counter options. Some private insurance may cover the cost of these medications. If you don't like taking oral medications, there are also prescription eye drops and nasal spray to relieve itchy, watery eyes and stuffy or runny nose. We have them in stock at Custom Care Pharmacy. No time to see a doctor? you may consider trying these over-the-counter eye drops or nose spray:

For itchy, watery eyes, choose an eyedrop that contains an antihistamine, such as:
Cromolyn 12.5mL $10.69 member price at Custom Care Pharmacy

Visine allergy advance with Antihistamine 15mL  $6.09 member price at Custom Care Pharmacy

For stuffy nose or runny nose, you may consider using non-medicated nose sprays, such as:

Beware that some eye drops may have the word 'allergy' or 'for itchy eyes' on the box but they do not contain any anti-histamine. These may not be as effective for eye allergy symptoms as the ones listed here. Always ask your pharmacist for help if you are not sure which one is best for your symptoms.
NeilMed Sinus Rinse $12.59 member price at Custom Care Pharmacy

Hydrasense nasal care 135mL $9.99 member price at Custom Care Pharmacy 
The non-medicated nasal products can be used by children and adults. For infants, there are gentle mist and nasal drops. These can be used several times a day if necessary to facilitate better breathing.
There is also medicated, over-the-counter nasal spray, such as Dristan, that contains antihistamine and decongestant. However, this type of nasal spray should not be used more than 3 days and it is not recommended for children, pregnant women and some chronic health conditions. Ask your pharmacist before using this product.