Monday 17 June 2013

有關女性口服避孕藥雅緻(YAZ)和優思明(Yasmin) 的報導




其實,市面上還有其他一些常用的口服避孕藥,不含與雅緻(YAZ)和優思明(Yasmin)相同的激素drospirenone。例如:Alesse(也可為Alysena Aviane),Min OvralMarvelonAPRI,Tricyclen Lo等。雖然這些口服避孕藥與雅緻(YAZ)和優思明(Yasmin)相比有較低的形成血液凝塊的風險,但是在每10,000名服用這些避孕藥的女性中仍然會有1 個案例發現會形成血塊。

有些人可能會考慮使用一些非口服的避孕方法例如荷爾蒙宮內節育器 (Mirena, IUS)或者非荷爾蒙的宮內節育器(NOVA-T, IUD)。這些節育器需要由醫生植入,它們可提供3-5年的避孕效果。



如果您擔憂繼續使用雅緻(YAZ 或優思明(Yasmin)會有血塊形成的風險,建議您向醫生詳細諮詢。在美健藥房,我們有女性藥劑師可以為您提供有關避孕的進一步信息。我們的電話號碼是905-305-0111


Recent news about Yaz and Yasmin Birth Control Pills

Recently, there were news about women taking the birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin having higher risk of blood clots compared to women taking other birth control pills.

We, at Custom Care Pharmacy, have proactively contacted patients taking either Yaz or Yasmin to address their questions or concerns after hearing about the news.

While Yaz and Yasmin are still available through prescription, many women may now be wondering about other prescription options for birth control.

There are other commonly used oral birth control pills that do not contain the same hormone (drospirenone) as Yaz and Yasmin. Examples are Alesse (also available as Alysena and Aviane), Min Ovral (Portia), Marvelon (Apri), Tricyclen Lo, etc. Although these oral birth control pills seem to have lower risk of blood clots compared to Yaz or Yasmin, one in 10,000 women taking these birth control pills will still develop blood clots.
Some women may consider using 'non-oral' birth control prescription options such as the hormonal (Mirena®) intrauterine device (IUD) or the non-hormonal Intrauterine device (Nova-T). These devices are inserted by physicians and they provide contraception for a 3-5 years period.

Another ‘non-oral’ birth control prescription is the (Depo-Provera®) progesterone injection. This injection is given by the doctor every 3 months for contraception. 
These are just a few common examples of prescription birth control options. Each type has a different risk and benefit profile that may or may not be suitable for you to use. For example, women over the age of 35 who smoke are at an increased risk of blood clots and should not be using birth control pills. We encourage women to discuss with their doctor to determine the right prescription birth control option for them.  

If you have concerns about blood clots or continuing to use Yaz/Yasmin, you should discuss this with your physician.   At Custom Care Pharmacy, we have female pharmacists on staff that can provide you with further information on birth control. Our phone number is 905-305-0111.

Custom Care Pharmacy - We do the right thing for your health.