Thursday, 8 August 2013


Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB)

Ontario Drug benefit,簡稱“ODB”,安省藥物補助福利,是安省長者的藥物福利。這福利補助了安省長者日常所需藥物的大部份支出,除了某些藥物之外。

·         條件:
§  65歲或以上長者 (senior) 。如果剛滿65歲,將由生日的那個月的下一個月自動加入。例如你5月生日,就在6月自動加入。
§  擁有有效的安省醫療卡(OHIP Card)

·         劃分標準:
§  單身長者:年收入超過 $16,018
   已婚長者: 家庭收入超過 $24,175
§  付費標準:
§  單身長者:年收入不超過$16,018
   已婚長者: 家庭收入不超過$24,175

§  付費標準:


*在美健藥房,對於以上長者,我們免收取$2病人自費部份 (co-pay) 還有其他優惠,請到藥房內查詢詳情。

Trillium Drug Program (TDP)


其實,不僅僅只是長者,對於一些有沉重的處方藥藥費負擔的安省居民來說,可以申請一個由政府資助的藥物計劃,叫做“Trillium Drug Program”,簡稱“TDP”,它可以幫你分擔大部份的處方藥支出,除了某些藥物之外。假如你的藥物支出超過您的收入4%,只要你擁有有效的安省健康卡,就可以申請這項福利。有需要的人可以到本藥房免費諮詢以及索取申請表格,或者瀏覽以下安省官方網站

·         條件:
§  安省居民(Ontario Residents)
§  擁有有效的安省醫療卡(OHIP Card)

·         收費標準:
§  當申請之後,申請人或申請家庭已經授權給TDPTDP會根據申請人或者申請家庭的報稅記錄,從而判斷出申請人或申請家庭的一年的墊底費(annual deductible)
§  而這一年的墊底費(annual deductible)是分開四個季度來收取:第一個季度是8,9,10月;第二個季度是11,12以及下一年的1月;第三個季度是下一年的2,3,4月;第四個季度是下一年的5,6,7月。
§  當所在的季度,申請人繳滿(fulfil)所在季度墊底費(deductible)之後,每一種藥只需要支付$2($2叫做co-pay,俗稱“病人自費部份”)
*在美健藥房,對於以上藥物補助計劃人士,我們免收取$2的病人自費部份 (co-pay) 還有其他優惠,請到藥房內查詢詳情。





Why do some seniors need to pay for drugs in August?

Some seniors may assume that the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) covers all drug costs and that "drugs are free for seniors". Although the Ontario Drug Benefit covers many commonly used drugs for seniors living in Ontario with a valid health card, seniors may still have to pay part of the cost depending on their annual income. Here are the criteria:

If you are a single senior (65 years or older) with a yearly net income of $16,018 or more, 
If you are a senior couple with a combined yearly net income of $24, 175 or more, 

Then, you have to pay the first $100 of your prescription drug costs every year. This is called your "deductible". This deductible is collected starting August 1st of every year. Once the deductible is reached, you will only need to pay $6.11 to fill a prescription covered under ODB. 

At Custom Care Pharmacy, we waive $2.11 for all patients that normally needs to pay $6.11 co-payment.  

So what if you are a single senior with yearly net income of less than $16.018 or a senior couple with combined yearly income less than $24, 175? 

Based on the criteria, you should NOT need to pay for the $100 annual deductible and you will only need to pay $2 for each prescription co-payment. You will need to apply for the seniors co-payment program by completing an application form and sending it to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario Drug Benefit Program. 

We have the application forms at Custom Care Pharmacy and we are happy to provide guidance on how to fill out the application form. Once your application is approved, Custom Care Pharmacy waives the $2 co-payment for prescriptions covered under ODB. 

Besides the senior ODB program, there is also a program called the Trillium Drug Program (TDP) that helps people who have high prescription drug costs relative to their household income. It covers all drugs approved under the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program. For drug products that are not on the list of approved ODB products, your doctor may apply for special approval through the Exceptional Access Program (EAP).

If you have questions about these drug programs, you can contact Custom Care Pharmacy at 905-305-0111 and we will be happy to assist you.