Wednesday 27 May 2015


子宮頸抹片检查 (Pap Smear or Pap Test)是用於檢查宫颈异常细胞的变化。在安大略省,女性满21岁才有资格每3年进行 一次子宮頸抹片检查。所有的子宮頸抹片检查是由安省政府支付的。你可以从你的医生那裡查出你什麽時候做過最后一次的子宮頸抹片检查。

子宮頸抹片检查對女性很重要,因为它可以挽救你的生命。子宮頸抹片检查可以幫助 医生及時發現子宫颈癌的早期迹象,并立即在必要时开始治疗。如果子宫颈癌能被及早發現,成功治疗的可能性是很高的。


我們已經有疫苗可以保护人體免受HPV感染。 Gardasil是安大略省現用的可抵御4HPV的疫苗。最近,又有一个新的疫苗,Gardasil 9,投入使用。它可以防止9 类型的HPV。在安大略省,HPV疫苗是免费提供给所有8年级女孩,她們可以在学校里接種Gardasil疫苗。疫苗一共有3針。 打了第一針后,第二針定于2个月后, 第三針是定在6个月后。打完所有3針以獲取充分的保护是非常重要的。



此外, 很多女性喜欢吃亚麻籽粉...

Smartgrain sprouted flax powder




* 乳癌患者和服用血液稀釋劑病人可能不適合用, 請與醫生先諮詢

Tuesday 26 May 2015

The importance of getting a PAP test for women

A Pap test or a Pap smear checks for abnormal cell changes in the cervix.  In Ontario, women over 21 years old are eligible for a Pap test every 3 years. All Pap tests are covered by OHIP. Make sure you find out from your doctor when you had your last Pap test. 

It is important for women to have a Pap test because it can save your life. The Pap test allows your doctor to detect for early signs of cervical cancer and immediately initiate treatment if necessary. If cervical cancer is detected early, the chance of successful treatment is very high. 

The cause of cervical cancer is almost 100% due to a type of virus called the Human papillomavirus (HPV). Every 3 out of 4 women will get the HPV virus at some point in their lives and there are usually no signs or symptoms.

There are vaccines available that can protect against the HPV. Gardasil is the vaccine used in the Ontario's HPV immunization program that protects against 4 types of HPV. Recently a new vaccine, Gardasil 9, became available. It can protect against additional types of HPV. In Ontario, the HPV vaccine is available free of charge to all Grade 8 girls through school-based clinics. The vaccine is given in 3 doses. After the 1st dose is given, the 2nd dose is scheduled for 2 months after. The third dose is given about 6 months after the 1st dose. It is important to get all 3 doses for full protection. 

For women, who did not received the vaccine in Grade 8. Ask your doctor about getting the vaccine now. For girls in Grade 9 to Grade 12, they can still get the vaccine free of charge at the Public Health Unit. For contact information, please click on the link below:

Custom Care Pharmacy has both vaccines 
(Gardasil and Gardasil 9) in stock. If you have questions about the vaccines, please feel free to contact our pharmacist at 905-305-0111. 

Also, SMARTGRAIN FLAXSEED powder is back in stock! 
Read our blog from June 2014:

to learn how Flaxseed powder can help reduce your cholesterol!