Friday 23 December 2016







我們还參与了多倫多大學的糖尿病中心Banting & Best計劃,為藥劑師和患者開發更好的糖尿病教育工具。

在新的一年里我們友善和专业的藥房工作人員将不懈地努力工作,為您和家人提供更好,更全面的藥房服務!我們即將推出的博客主題包括:用于過敏反應的緊急救护的generic Epipen注射器,藥物和大麻的相互作用,皮膚疣的新的療法,全天然護膚品,治療失眠的非處方药等等。



週六1224 上午9:30至下午3:00
星期日 1225 - 1227 星期二 休息

週六1231 上午9:30至下午3:00
星期日 11 - 12 星期一 休息


Thursday 22 December 2016

Wishing you a happy holiday!

At Custom Care Pharmacy, we appreciate your business and we are thankful for your continuous support.  We reached some major milestones this year and we would like to share them with you.

We have met with more than 10,000 individual patient since we opened

We passed our 1st & 2nd routine inspection from the Ontario College of Pharmacists

We have mentored students, registered technicians and foreign-trained pharmacist

We helped close to 100 people lose weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle

We participated in the Banting & Best Diabetes Center University of Toronto knowledge translation program to help develop better diabetes education tools for pharmacists and patients

Our friendly and knowledgeable team of staff works tirelessly to provide you and your family with even more and even better pharmacy services in the new year! Our upcoming blog topics includes: the launch of generic Epipen, drug interactions with marijuana, new skin wart treatment, all natural skin care, over-the-counter insomnia treatment, and much, much more!

We wish you and your family a happy holiday and a prosperous new year!

**It is not too late to get your flu vaccine. We still have some nasal flu vaccines available for children 5 yrs to 17 yrs old. Adult flu shots are also available.**

Our holiday hours are as follow:

Sat Dec 24th 9:30am to 3pm
Sun Dec 25th - Tues Dec 27th  Closed

Sat Dec 31st 9:30am to 3pm
Sun Jan 1st - Mon Jan 2nd Closed

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at
905-305-0111 Custom Care Pharmacy