Wednesday 29 March 2017


 什麼是"原製造商(品牌 brand name)""仿製藥  generic drug"?

許多新移民不熟悉什麼是加拿大的仿製藥(generic drugs)。配藥時,他們可能會因為不同的包裝,藥丸顏色,製造商的名稱感到驚訝。 他們可能是要求醫生開回他們以前服用过的藥物 ,但是看到藥房配的藥物與以前的藥物的外觀不同,他們經常問我們為什麼會這樣。
在加拿大當医药公司開發一种新藥時,它可以擁有这个新药的唯一專利銷售權,並可在一段時間內以品牌名稱銷售該藥物。 當專利期結束後其他製藥廠商才允許仿製和銷售該藥物,這些被稱為仿製藥。仿製藥廠商必須測試和證明仿製藥與品牌藥是相同的藥物和劑量,还要获得到加拿大政府的批准才能將其仿製藥出售給藥房。

安省藥物福利包括品牌 brand name藥嗎?

如果仿製藥和品牌藥都在(Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary)安省藥物福利處方藥物清單內,安省藥物福利只會支付最低藥價。仿製藥通常是成本低於品牌藥物 , 所以当你購買仿製藥时自付部分花費就会少些甚至可能不用付款。
如果你還是喜歡品牌藥物,而安省藥物福利只支付最低藥價 , 麼你必須支付差價:例如品牌藥 $30, 仿製藥 $10 ,那么 自付差價 = $20
·  仿製藥製造商尚未將其提交政府部門批准,以便與品牌藥物互換
·  當你對至少兩種仿製藥有不良反應時 (需要由您的醫生正式記錄和填寫申請表)
·  一些原製造商為醫生和藥劑師提供援助卡以幫助支付部分差額。 但不是所有的品牌藥物都有這個選擇请咨询你的醫生或藥劑師



·  開處方的醫生沒有在安省註冊
·  未列在安省藥物福利處方單上的藥物
·  或未獲准用於例外獲取計劃的藥物

此外安省政府每月都会修改藥物清單。有些藥物定期從列表中添加或刪除藥物清單在網上發布每人都可以在網上搜索,以查明藥物是否在藥物清單上。因為藥物名稱往往很難拼寫,並且可以具有許多不同的形式,最好與您的醫生或藥劑師驗證您的搜索結果 , 或者直接詢問您的藥劑師為您查詢。

Information on 'brand-name' drugs and 'generic' drugs in Canada

What is a “brand name” drug and what is a “generic” drug?

Many new immigrants may not be familiar with generic drugs in Canada.  When they get their prescriptions filled at the pharmacy, they may be surprised that the pharmacist is offering them generic drugs instead of the brand name drugs.  In Canada, the company that first developed the drug will have the sole right to make and sell the drug for a certain period of time. This is called the patent. When the patent ends, other drug manufacturers are allowed to make and sell the same drug. These are called generic drugs and they usually cost much less than brand-name drugs.
In Canada, generic drugs have to be tested and proven to work the same way as the brand name drug before it becomes available for sale.   

Does ODB cover brand name medication?

When both the brand-name and generic drugs are listed on the Ontario drug benefit formulary, then the drug benefit will pay for the lowest cost of the two drugs. You can still choose to receive the brand name medication, however, you may need to pay for the price difference. For example, if ODB covers the generic drug price of $10 and the brand name drug price is $30, then you may have to pay for the difference of $20 out of pocket.

However, if you have tried generic drugs and had adverse reactions to at least 2 different generic drugs, then you can ask your doctor to fill out a side effect reporting form and request for "no substitution" on your prescription. The Ontario Drug Benefit will cover the cost of the brand name drug in this situation. 

What is a 'brand-name' drug payment assistant card? 

Some of the brand name drug companies provide a payment assistance card to pharmacies and doctor's offices to help pay for part of the cost difference between the generic drug and the brand name drug, if the patient chooses to receive a brand name drug. The card contains a series of code numbers which the pharmacist can use to claim payment online while filling a brand name drug prescription.  

However, not all brand name drugs have this type of payment assistance cards and in many cases, the payment may not cover the full cost difference between the generic drug and the brand name drug. 

Are all prescription drugs covered by the Ontario Drug Benefit? 

Sometimes people assume that any drug prescribed by a doctor will be paid for by the Ontario Drug Benefit. We often have to explain that there is a drug formulary that is regularly updated by the government, which determines if a drug will be paid for by the Ontario Drug Benefit. Furthermore, the amount that the government requires you to pay out of pocket depends on the type of Drug Benefit program that you belong to and your reported yearly income. For more information on the Ontario Drug Benefit program, you can visit the following website:

If you have any questions regarding your medications, feel free to contact our pharmacist at Custom Care Pharmacy 905-305-0111.