Thursday 25 October 2012


My patient tells me that she needs to take calcium supplementation but she just couldn't swallow the tablets! This is not uncommon. Just like the multivitamin tablets, calcium tablets are often quite big and hard to swallow. Is she doomed to gulp down a horse pill or is there a better way? I was determined to find a solution for her that wouldn't cost an arm and a leg. And so my calcium investigation begins:

The options: 
There are many, many calcium products out there. In my professional opinion, calcium is calcium. It doesn't make a big difference if they source it from an oyster shell or from a rock. What is more important is that you take no more than 500mg for each dose and that you take vitamin D to increase its absorption. If you don't mind crushing or cutting up the tablet in halves, you can easily purchase a bottle of 100 tablets calcium carbonate 500mg without Vitamin D for approximately $5-6 CDN plus tax ($3.99 + tax at CUSTOM CARE PHARMACY). Definitely best bang for your buck!
Otherwise, there are some slightly more expensive options such as the calcium chews approximately $17 plus tax for 60 squares  ($11.64 + tax at CUSTOM CARE PHARMACY) and calcium liquid approximately $13 plus tax per bottle  ($8.91 + tax at CUSTOM CARE PHARMACY). Each bottle has about 34 doses of 500mg calcium in it. So price wise: the tablet<<<the chews<<the liquid.

The calcium chews have a chocolate, vanilla or caramel flavour which makes it seem like candy except it is not. If you are not a fan of chocolate, vanilla or caramel to begin with, it may not appeal to you enough to make you want to take it everyday. The chews also take a long time to dissolve. It will somewhat sticks to your teeth...dentures beware!

The liquid calcium seems like a natural option. webber naturals makes a blueberry flavour liquid giving you 500mg calcium and 200IU vitamin D in 1 tablespoonful. However, it does taste a little 'chalky' and medicinal. Although you have to refrigerate it after opening, it actually makes it taste much better.

Maggie's Pick:

Webber naturals liquid calcium 500ml - Every tablespoonful (15ml) contains 500mg of calcium and 200IU of vitamin D. Remember it tastes better when refrigerated!
有一位病人告訴我,她需要補充鈣質,但她無法吞下藥片!她的情況並不罕見。鈣片就像維生素片一樣,往往是相當大吞服它並不容易。難道她注定要勉強巨型藥丸? 我下定決心要為她找到 一個經濟實用解決辦法

在市場上,有很多很多的補鈣產品。 我的專業意見認為,無論來源蠔殼或石頭它仍然是鈣, 差別並不大最重要的是你服用的時候, 每次不超過500毫克同時應該服用維生素D,以增加其吸收。如果你不介意壓碎藥丸或切割兩半,你可以很容易地用$5-6加元加稅  ($3.99 加元加稅 at 美健藥房 ),以購買一瓶100片鈣片500毫克附加維生素D。絕對最划算!

否則,有一些較為昂貴的選擇,如 Calcium chews 
軟糖 大約$17加元 60 ($11.64 加元加稅 at 美健藥房 )補鈣 大約$13加稅($8.91 加元加稅 at 美健藥房 )。每約有34劑量 (500毫克鈣)。所以價格方面:鈣片<軟糖 <補鈣

軟糖 是一種糖果類型的補鈣產品有巧克力或焦糖的味道軟糖需要時間溶解和它粘在牙齒上...假牙提

補鈣是一個不錯的選擇。webber natural 藍莓味的補鈣在1 湯匙中給你補充500毫克鈣和200IU維生素D。打開必須冷藏, 保持新鮮味道更好



Webber natural 補鈣 冷藏味道更放它牛奶旁邊可以幫助提醒大家每天服用。


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