Friday 21 December 2012


一年一度的聖誕節即將來臨, 餐飲酒店中推出的聖誕大餐中火雞, , , , 海鮮一應俱全、應有盡有,其中不乏油膩、辛辣等刺激性強的食物。很多人放肆的吃喝玩樂,破壞了正常的飲食習慣,吸煙飲酒、暴飲暴食等現象嚴重的破壞腸胃的消化功能,造成消化系統的紊亂,損傷胃粘膜、導致胃酸分泌過盛,從而產生炎症、潰瘍等病變,威脅人體健康。

當你出現消化不良或腹漲症狀時, 你可以來美健藥房以優惠價買到以下產品:

 ZANTAC 8 裝強效型(150 mg
美健藥房 特惠價$4.49  
ZANTAC 10 粒裝普通型 (75mg
美健藥房 特惠價$ 4.49  

特惠價$ 6.29                                

當你出現嘔吐,腹瀉症狀時, 你可以來美健藥房以優惠價買到以下產品:
10 (Gravol止嘔藥) 美健藥房 特惠價為$2.39加稅 
20 Imodium Advanced止瀉藥+止胃脹)美健藥房 特惠價$12.79加稅


30粒裝 (Senokot) 美健藥房特惠價為$4.09加稅



 人們在吃火鍋時,會加入多種肉類,而肉類裡面含有一種叫嘌呤的物質,在涮肉的時候,大量的嘌呤會融入湯裡,嘌呤的代謝產物是尿酸,尿酸要排出體外是需要一定限度的,如果攝入大量的嘌呤,需要排泄尿酸的量過多,且排泄不出去,就會在體內關節蓄積造成劇烈疼痛,從而引發痛風。痛風最典型的症狀是夜間突發腳趾疼痛,因為手腳趾部位的體溫相對低,血液循環也差一些,尿酸鹽容易在這些地方沉積。因此,吃火鍋時少吃富含嘌呤的食品:動物內臟、腦、海鮮(沙丁魚、貝類、蝦、蟹)、酒等,多食用蔬菜、水果等食物,每天多喝水可增加尿酸的排泄量,每天應喝2000毫升以上的水如果你出現痛風的症狀, 建議你盡快去看醫生。




                         *本文章由美健藥房註冊藥劑師林佩蓉(RPh.Linda, Lin)提供。

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Are you prepared for the holiday feast?

Are you prepared for the holiday feast?

It is inevitable that we tend to eat (a lot) during the holiday season. At every gathering of friends and family, there will likely be a lot of food.  Even if we are normally health conscious with our meals, it is hard to resist the temptation of turkey, roast beef, cakes, cookies and pie! It’s better to be prepared and stock up on essential gastrointestinal drugs, just in case you get heart burn, upset stomach or constipation during the holidays.


Zantac 150mg 8 tablets $4.49 at Custom Care Pharmacy                                      
Zantac 75mg 10 tablets $4.49 at Custom Care Pharmacy

Gaviscon extra strength 25 tablets $6.29 at Custom Care Pharmacy
If you are travelling for the holidays, Gravol tablets can help reduce symptoms of motion sickness from plane ride, cruise ship travel, car ride, etc.
Gravol 10 tablets $2.39 at Custom Care Pharmacy

In case of diarrhea, Imodium Advanced contains an additional ingredient compared to the original Imodium formula, that will also reduce cramps and bloating caused by gas.  

Imodium Advanced 20 tablets $12.79 at Custom Care Pharmacy

While we indulge in our favourite holiday meat and dessert, we should make sure that we don’t forget to eat enough fruits and vegetables to help our bowels stay regular. For symptoms of constipation, Senokot and Senokot-S are natural source laxatives can help provide some relief.

20 tablets Senokot-S $3.79 at Custom Care Pharmcy
30  tablets Senokot    $4.09 at Custom Care Pharmacy


*If symptoms persist or if symptoms include fever, please consult with your physician


We hope you have a safe, happy holiday and a prosperous new year!

From the staff at Custom Care Pharmacy : )


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