Sunday 21 December 2014

如果腳下一滑而跌倒該怎麼做? + 如何從蛋殼獲取鈣?









程航醫生 目前正在接受新病人。如果你正在尋找一個家庭醫生,請致電

我們經常聽到病人講要增加鈣的攝入量,但他們不喜歡服用鈣片。在這個月的博客里,我們質詢註冊營養師 Rowena Leung 介紹如何獲取更多來自天然來源的鈣。



最後, 美健藥房祝大家節日平安,快樂!

Preventing slip and fall accidents + Tips on getting calcium from eggshells!

During the winter months, the roads are often wet and slippery. If you have a slip and fall accident, you might have some questions about what to do for treatment and how to prevent further episodes of falling. Aside from treating the acute injuries, you should also determine how frequently you fall and what might be causing you to fall. 

There are some risk factors that can put you at risk for falling. For example, drugs that cause dizziness or drowsiness can sometimes increase your risk for falling. Therefore, it is very important to have your family doctor and pharmacist be aware of your falls and injuries.  They can help you determine if there are specific causes for your falls.

Some patients might feel that it is unnecessary to go see a doctor after a simple fall. They might choose to use some ointments and rubs at home to ease the pain. However, this is not always the best thing to do. 
For this month's blog, we asked Dr. Hang Cheng to give us some tips on what to do immediately after a fall and also what we can do to prevent future episodes of falling.

“Fall evaluation is complex and is different for every person. For example, considerations to do extensive testing are different for a 20 year-old with no health conditions compared to a frail 80 year-old with many health issues. In any doubt, you should see a health professional as soon as possible for complete evaluation.
Pre-existing conditions are important to consider when evaluating a fall. In general, the poorer the health status, the lower the threshold to seek medical evaluation.  For example, if you are 65 years and older, if you are osteoporotic, or if you are taking an anticoagulant such as Coumadin or Pradaxa, your threshold to see a doctor after a fall should be much lower.
Also, the mechanism of fall is important. For example, your threshold to see a health professional should be much lower if you fall from height or from stairs than if you fall from your own height. The suspicion of serious injury is also higher if you fall on a hard surface such as on ice or in bathroom floor compared to soft surfaces.
Last but not least, the point of contact is also important to consider, if you fall on your head or on your spine, your considerations to see a doctor should be greater. Of course, if you lose consciousness, cannot get up or if you see any bony deformity, you or someone else should call an ambulance immediately. Again, if you suspect any abnormality or fracture, seeing a health professional is always advised.
As always, the best way to treat a disease if to prevent the disease. The same rule applies to falls. You can reduce your chances of falling by doing exercises to strengthen your lower extremities, by improving your balance skills (ex: Tai Chi is a proven exercise to improve balance), by using appropriate aid (ex: comfortable, non-slippery shoes, cane, vision correction on a yearly basis), by adjusting your medications to prevent dizziness and/or hypotension and lastly, by having a balanced nutrition to provide enough calcium.”

Dr. Hang Cheng is currently accepting new patients. 
If you are looking for a new family doctor, please call 416-291-0033 to book an appointment. 

Patients often tell us that they want to increase their intake of calcium, but they do not like taking calcium pills. For this month's blog, we asked registered dietitian, Rowena Leung, for special tips on getting more calcium from natural sources.
One simple and unique way of obtaining calcium is by crushing eggshells into powder and adding the powder into our meals.  1 teaspoonful contains approximately 800-1,000 mg. of calcium.  Here’s how to do it:

  • Put eggshells into a pot of boiling water
  • Cook for 10 mins and then drain the water and let the shells dry on a baking sheet
  • Put the shells into the oven and bake at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10 mins
  • Remove shells from the oven and grind up the shells into powder by using a coffee grinder or a mortar and pestle
  • Store powder in a tightly sealed jar

Custom Care Pharmacy wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday!

Wednesday 19 November 2014


有些病人可能會擔心:“假如我與醫生相處不合, 但已經簽署的協議,該怎麼辦?“我簽署了協議可以切換家庭醫生?”






程航醫生目前正在接受新病人。如果您還沒有家庭醫生,或者如果你已經搬家,遠離你的家庭醫生,可以直接來診所或致電 416-291-0033 預約與醫生見面

這一個月由註冊營養師 ROWENA 提供的的健康食譜!



1茶匙香草 (vanilla)

3.在另一個碗,一起攪拌油,牛奶,雞蛋和香草 (vanilla)。




如果您想了解更多关于使用發芽的藜麥和燕麥有什麼好處,今天来美健药房,问我们的药剂师 905-305-0111

Thursday 13 November 2014

What is the difference between a family doctor and a medical doctor at a walk-in clinic?

Recently, we received many questions from patients regarding the difference between a family doctor and a medical doctor at a walk-in clinic. These are both medical doctors that can help you with your health problems. However, family doctors usually require a booked appointment and a signed agreement to become a patient of their practice. To see a medical doctor at a walk-in clinic do not require an appointment or a signed agreement. 
In this blog, we will ask Dr. Hang Cheng to explain the role of a medical doctor at a walk-in clinic and discuss how he can help you.

Dr. Hang Cheng is a medical doctor at the walk-in clinic besides Custom Care Pharmacy.  We asked him to tell us about the common health problems that he treats at the walk-in clinic.

"At the walk-in clinic, we treat all sorts of health problems. Since patients can just come in without an appointment, It is very helpful for patients with health problems that require prompt treatments. Examples are urinary tract infections,  eye or ear infections, cough and cold symptoms, fever, fall injuries and musculoskeletal problems, etc."

When we are feeling sick, it is often difficult to get an appointment with our family doctor on the same day or even for the next day. Sometimes when we finally get to see our doctor, we have already recovered from the illness. You can still go to a walk-in clinic to see a medical doctor even if you already have a family physician. You need to bring your OHIP (health) card with you for your visit. 

Young children often have mild fever and cannot attend school. They can be treated at a walk-in clinic right away. This is especially helpful for parents when the pediatrician does not have time for an appointment on the same day.

If you currently do not have a family doctor and you have chronic health conditions, such as hypertension, diabetes or high cholesterol, you can still go to a walk-in clinic in the meantime to manage your health conditions. 
Dr. Cheng tells us that he does treat chronic conditions for patients currently without a family doctor. Sometimes, patient might see a walk-in clinic doctor because they ran out of their medications while their family doctor is away on vacation. Dr. Cheng advised that patients should bring in their usual medication vials, so that he can determine what kind of medications you have been taking.  

Dr. Cheng is currently accepting new patients. If you currently have no family doctor or if you have moved far away from your family doctor, you can come in to the clinic or call 416-291-0033 to register as a new patient. 

Monday 27 October 2014

骨關節炎 以及益生菌的南瓜面包食谱!




雖然你 身上的任何關節都會形成骨關節炎,但這種疾病最常見的是在你的手關節,膝蓋,髖部和脊椎關節。




如果你經常都有骨關節痛,你的醫生可能會建議你定期服用藥物,如泰諾 Tylenol(對乙酰氨基酚)。這種藥物通常是安全,可有效地緩解疼痛,因而可用作短期和長期的治療。



  • 冷敷和熱敷止痛法。熱敷和冷敷都可以緩解關節的疼痛。熱敷還可減輕僵硬,而冰敷可緩解肌肉痙攣和疼痛。
  • 應用非處方止痛藥膏。在藥店可以買到的止痛藥膏可暫時緩解骨關節痛。一些藥膏通過產生熱感或冷感來麻木你的疼痛感。其他含有藥物的藥膏是通過透皮吸收來產生止痛效果,所以止痛藥膏對膝關節和指關節是最好的,因為這些關節是接近你的皮膚表面。
  • 葡萄糖胺和軟骨素。一些研究發現有些骨關節炎患者認為葡萄糖胺和軟骨素對骨關節炎有效,但另一些研究表示這些產品的效果無效。如果您發現該葡萄糖胺和軟骨素對你有幫助, 無妨繼續使用但如果你對貝殼類過敏,或者你正在使用稀血藥如華法林(warfarin), 就不要使用葡萄糖胺。
  • 物理治療。物理治療師可以與您一起創造一個個性化的鍛煉計劃,將加強你的關節肌肉,增加關節活動度,減少疼痛。
  • 鞋墊。你的醫生可能會建議你使用鞋墊或其他設備幫助減輕你站立或行走時的疼痛。這些設備可以固定或支撐你的關節,以幫助減壓。
  • 手術和其它方法:注射皮質類固醇注射潤滑劑來幫助緩解疼痛。截骨重新調整骨骼手術或關節置換來幫助緩解疼痛


註冊營養師 ROWENA的貼士

隨著天氣轉涼,大家記得補充益生菌!益生菌是存在我們腸道的好的細菌,幫助提高我們的免疫系統和消化系統能力。一般情況下,健康人隨時隨地需要每天15-50十億株之間的益生菌來保持一個健康的腸道。有些人由於疾病狀況可能需要較高劑量的益生菌; 但是,如果你正在考慮的劑量高於每天50十億株益生菌,建議你質詢專業醫務人員的意見。在哪裡可以可以找到益生菌?


酸奶是益生菌的來源,但它還不是益生菌的豐富來源。酸奶一般只有接近1個十億株益生菌。並不是所有的酸奶都有相同數量的益生菌的。盡量購買純味酸奶,因為它沒有添加糖。如果您選擇購買調味酸奶,記住女性最多允許加入6茶匙糖/天,男性允許加入多達9茶匙糖/天。 (提示:糖1茶匙= 4克碳水化合物)
酸牛奶是一種發酵的牛奶產品。有些人選擇喝它作為牛奶的替代品。它是鈣和益生菌的重要來源。每湯匙酸牛奶就有大約50億株益生菌。您可以直接飲用酸牛奶或添加一定量酸牛奶到你所吃的食物里(如加 到燕麥片,酸奶,大米,藜麥等)。





對於一些個人,並不適合選擇這些食物; 因此,你可以到美健藥房質詢有關益生菌補充劑的不同選擇。最後,請參閱我們最新的益生菌食譜!


  • 1.25 全麥麵粉(發芽)
  • ¼杯 亞麻籽(磨碎)
  • 1¼茶匙小蘇打
  • 1茶匙鹽
  • 1茶匙肉桂(磨碎)
  • 半茶匙肉荳蔻(磨碎)
  • 1個大雞蛋
  • ½杯蜂蜜**  
  • 2湯匙純天然杏仁醬
  • 1杯南瓜(壓碎成漿)
  • ½杯原味希臘酸奶


1.   烤箱預熱到350華氏度。

今天進來注射流感疫苗! 905-305-0111

What to do about joint stiffness & pain, plus pumpkin bread probiotic recipe!

We often hear seniors telling us that their knee or hip joint feels stiff and sometimes even painful when walking up and down the stairs. These are common symptoms of a condition called ‘osteoarthritis’.  

Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage in your joints gradually deteriorates. Cartilage is a firm, slippery tissue that allows the joint to move smoothly.

In osteoarthritis, the slick surface of the cartilage becomes rough. Eventually, if the cartilage wears down completely, the ends of the bones rub together and that can cause pain and swelling of the joint.

Although osteoarthritis can damage any joint in your body, it most commonly affects joints in your hands, knees, hips and spine.
Osteoarthritis often gradually worsens. There are medications to help improve pain and joint function, but there is currently no cure.
Your doctor may also suggest staying active and maintaining a healthy weight to help slow down the progression of osteoarthritis.
"Should I continuously take medication for joint pain?" 

If you have pain from osteoarthritis that is present most of the time, your doctor may recommend that you take medication, like Tylenol (acetaminophen), regularly. This medication is generally safe and effective for pain relief in both short- and long-term treatment.
Some patients don’t like to take pain medications regularly; they prefer to take it only when nothing else works. If you do wait until the pain becomes unbearable and then you take the pain medication, be aware that it may take some time for the medication to start working. For some patients, it might be preferable to take the medication regularly instead of waiting for the pain to worsen.
Some patients may take anti-inflammatory drugs. There are many different kinds of anti-inflammatory drugs, including both prescription and non-prescription ones. It is best to ask your doctor about the proper use of anti-inflammatory medications for osteoarthritis, as some have higher risks of causing stomach problems and some may have higher risks of causing kidney or cardiovascular problems.
"Are there other treatments beside taking oral medications?"

  •  Use heat and cold to manage pain. Both heat and cold can relieve pain in your joint. Heat also relieves stiffness, and cold can relieve muscle spasms and pain.
  • Apply over-the-counter pain creams. Creams and gels available at drugstores may provide temporary relief from osteoarthritis pain. Some creams numb the pain by creating a hot or cool sensation. Other creams contain medications that are absorbed into your skin. Pain creams work best on joints that are close to the surface of your skin, such as your knees and fingers.
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin  Some studies have found benefits for people with osteoarthritis, while other studies indicate that these supplements do not work. If you feel that the supplement is helping, it is generally safe to continue to use it.  Don't use glucosamine if you're allergic to shellfish or if you are taking blood thinners such as warfarin.
  • Physical therapy. A physical therapist can work with you to create an individualized exercise program that will strengthen the muscles around your joint, increase your range of motion and reduce pain.
  • Braces or shoe inserts. Your doctor may recommend shoe inserts or other devices that can help reduce pain when you stand or walk. These devices can immobilize or support your joint to help take pressure off it.
Surgical and other procedures:

  • Injections - Injections of corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid may relieve pain in your joint.
  • Surgery -  such as osteotomy to realign bones or joint replacement may also relieve pain in your joint.
If you have further questions about your osteoarthritis pain treatment, come and talk to one of our pharmacists.


As the temperature becomes cooler, it’s very important to remember to take your probiotics! Probiotics are the good bacteria in our gut that help boost our immune system and improve our digestive system. Generally, a healthy individual requires anywhere between 15-50 billion strains of probiotic bacteria/day to maintain a healthy gut. Some individuals require higher doses of probiotics due to disease conditions; however, advice from a health care professional is advised if one is considering doses higher than 50 billion strains of probiotics/day. Where can probiotics be found?

Food sources include:

1.  Yogurt
Yogurt is a source of probiotics; however, it is generally not a high source of probiotics. Yogurt generally has just under 1 billion strains of probiotic bacteria. Not all yogurt is created the same. Try to buy the plain flavour yogurt as it has no added sugar. If you choose to buy a flavoured yogurt, remember that a woman is allowed up to 6 added teaspoons of sugar/day and a man is allowed up to 9 added teaspoons of sugar/day. (Tip: 1 teaspoon of sugar= 4 grams of carbohydrate)

2. Kefir
Kefir is a fermented milk product . Some individuals choose to drink this as a milk alternative. It is a great source of calcium and a great source of probiotics. Every tablespoon of Kefir has ~5 billion strains of probiotic bacteria.  You can buy Kefir in a drinkable version or in a version where you add a certain amount to the food you are eating (e.g. add on top of oatmeal, your current yogurt choice, rice, quinoa, etc).
3.  Miso
Having a little miso soup from time to time is not a bad idea If blood pressure is not an issue.

4. Kimchi
Similarly to miso, having a side dish of kimchi is not a bad idea if blood pressure is not an issue.

5. Natto beans
Although the taste is generally acquired, natto beans are packed with nutrition and is a very good option to get your probiotic bacteria.

6. Kombucha tea
For those that like to drink juice, a better alternative may be kombucha tea. This type of drink is packed with probiotic bacteria but depending on the brand, the amount of added sugar may be frowned upon.

For some individuals, these food choices are not suitable; therefore, you can speak to Maggie and her team of pharmacists about the different options of probiotic supplements.

Here’s a recipe that incorporates a source of probiotic into a healthy and delicious snack.
Almond Butter and Pumpkin Bread
Yield: 1 5x9 loaf
1.25 c                                    whole wheat flour (sprouted)
¼ c                                        flaxseed (ground)
1 ¼ tsp                                  baking soda
1 tsp                                      salt
1 tsp                                      cinnamon, ground
½ tsp                                     nutmeg, ground
1 large                                   egg
½ c                                        honey**
2 Tbsp                                   All Natural Almond Butter
1 c                                         Pumpkin puree
½ c                                        0% M.F. Plain Greek Yogurt

  1. Preheat oven @ 350 degrees F.
  2. Grease loaf pan and line with parchment paper.
  3. In a large bowl, stir together flour, wheat bran, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg
  4. In a medium bowl, beat the egg and honey with a fork. Add the almond butter, pumpkin and yogurt until well blended. Add to the dry ingredients and mix until just incorporated.
  5. Bake for 50-60 minutes or until the tops are cracked. A toothpick should come out clean when inserted into the middle.

**Please note that the amount of honey has already reduce by half when compared to the original recipe**


Flu vaccines are now available at CUSTOM CARE PHARMACY! 
Come in today to get your flu shot! 905-305-0111