Tuesday 18 March 2014

Do you know what to do when your child has febrile seizure?

Recently, I witnessed a case of febrile seizure. For any parent, the first time seeing this can be very frightening. Although febrile seizure do not cause any harm in most cases and it does not mean the child has more serious long-term health problem, however, it is a good idea for parents to be aware of it and be prepared to have the proper medications at home to bring down the fever.

First of all, it is important to know that febrile seizure is not the same as epilepsy. Drugs for epilepsy are not used to treat febrile seizure.  Febrile seizures occur most often in children between 9 months and 5 years.   It usually occurs within the first 24 hours of an illness, such as ear infections, a cold or viral infection.  Any illness that causes a high temperature fever can cause a febrile seizure. Note that the old Chinese habit of putting heavy blankets on children with high fever to ‘get a good sweat out of them’ may not be suitable for small children, as this may contribute to a high temperature fever.
When a child is having febrile seizure, they may have some or all of the following symptoms: Eyes rolling or limbs stiffening, crying or moaning, muscle tightening, vomiting or biting the tongue, body jerking.  If the child was standing, he or she may fall and may pass urine. Even when a parent is talking to them or calling their name, the child may not respond. Sometimes, they may even stop breathing. This is why it is very important for the parent to know what to do.   
During febrile seizure, it is safest to leave the child on the floor. Remove objects that may cause injury. If the child vomits or if the tongue is blocking the airways, turn the child to the side on the stomach.
The old Chinese habit of putting something inside the mouth to preventing the child from biting his/her tongue is NOT recommended.
Do NOT try to force anything into the child's mouth to prevent biting the tongue, as this increases the risk of injury. Do NOT try to restrain your child or try to stop the seizure movements.
To bring the fever down, insert Acetaminophen suppository into the child's rectum. Oral medication may lead to vomiting or choking.
Custom Care Pharmacy carries ACET 160mg suppositories $8.49 and ACET 120mg suppositories for infants $7.29  
Use cool packs of cool washcloths on the child's forehead to bring down the temperature.  Sponge the rest of the body with lukewarm (not cold) water. Cold water or alcohol may make the fever worse.
Custom Care Pharmacy carries "Be Kool" Mickey Mouse Soft Gel adhesive sheets for immediate cooling relief from fever. $3.39 per box of 4 sheets

When the seizure subsides, it is important to try and find out the cause of the fever and see a doctor as soon as possible. You should consider driving the child to an emergency room even if the seizure is over. Although Meningitis causes less than 0.1% of febrile seizures, it is important to rule it out especially for children less than 1 year old.





  • 高熱性驚厥開始表現為孩子身體的兩側肌肉突然收緊或收縮,并持續幾秒鐘或更長的時間。
  • 孩子可能會哭或呻吟。
  • 如果站著,孩子可能會倒下,並且出現遺尿。
  • 孩子可能會嘔吐或咬舌。
  • 有時孩子會無法呼吸,並可能開始變成藍色。
  • 然後孩子的身體開始有節奏地抖動,并無法回應家長的叫喚。


  • 在驚厥發作期間,讓您的孩子躺在地板上。
  • 如果地板很硬,您可以在孩子身下墊一條毯子。
  • 只有在危險的位置才移動小孩
  • 除去任何可能導致人身傷害的物件
  • 鬆開任何過緊的衣服,尤其是在脖子上。如果可能的話,打開或從腰部向上取出衣物。
  • 如果孩子嘔吐,或者如果唾液和黏液在口腔中堆積,翻向靠胃那側。


  • 切勿经口给予任何东西。
  • 將你的注意力集中放在退烧方面:你可將對乙酰氨基酚栓劑插入孩子的直肠,幫他退烧。

  • 用凉浴巾敷前额和颈部,用海绵與温水擦身体的其余部分。不要用冷水或酒精,因為它們可能會令发热加重。

***你可以在美健药房以會員價$3.39購買到 BE kool MICKEY MOUSE 退烧貼***

  • 當驚厥發作结束了,你的孩子變清醒後,你可给予正常剂量的布洛芬或对乙酰氨基酚。






