Saturday 27 September 2014

如何預防流感, 避免皮肤干燥贴士 及 富含抗氧化的蔬菜沙拉食谱!


1. 打流感疫苗是避免感染流感病毒的最有效途徑,因為它可以幫助你的身體建立它需要對抗流感的防禦能力
在十月中旬開始,美健藥房將再次在藥房提供流感疫苗注射服務。這是免費提供給所有持有OHIP卡(健康卡)的患者 。如果您去年在美健藥房打了流感疫苗,我們會在第一批流感疫苗到達藥房時盡快與您聯繫。無需預約,但是我們會安排好時間以確保您盡早地注射流感針。

2. 用肥皂和水彻底洗手,或经常使用含酒精的洗手液。
  • 确保你洗手至少15秒以上
  • 洗手液必须是含至少60%酒精才有效
  • 在家里使用加湿器保持空气湿润,设定湿度恒定在45 - 55 之間。
  • 每次洗手,洗脸,沐浴後及出門前搽护肤霜來滋润你的肌肤。

你知道美健药房可以為你提供特製的護膚藥膏服務嗎? 我们特製的护肤霜不添加防腐剂,不含香料! 我们使用天然的有效成分,如乳木果和甘油來製造护肤霜,帮助皮肤自然地保湿。
我们还可以添加维生素E油,维生素A和维生素B (烟酰胺)用於抗皱和抗黑斑。这是一个我们为会员個別特製的服务, 起價20加元。有免费样品快来试用或打電話905-305-0111联系我们了解更多详情!
乳木果油 (shea butter)
蘆薈(aloe vera)
视黄醇 Retinol
扁桃酸和抗坏血酸 Mandelic Acid & Ascorbic Acid
对苯二酚 Hydroquinone
詳情致電諮詢 905-305-0111
注册营养师Rowena Leung提供的預防流感的貼士

  • 2個中型地瓜(切成楔形)
  • 1個甜洋葱,切片
  • 2瓣大蒜,切碎
  • 2汤匙橄榄油
  • 海盐和胡椒粉适量
  • 1汤匙芥末
  • 2汤匙红酒醋
  • 3杯羽衣甘蓝,切碎
  • 半杯烤山核桃
  • 1茶匙枫糖浆(可选)
4,趁土豆還熱,淋上红酒醋,芥末和枫糖浆; 拌上羽衣甘蓝


Wednesday 24 September 2014

Tips for flu prevention, soothing dry skin and anti-oxidant rich salad recipe!

As the temperature starts to drop, we begin to see a lot more patients looking for cold and flu remedies, as well as ointments for dry skin. Since the cold temperature is coming quickly this fall, we will proactively discuss tips on avoiding the flu and dry skin inside this September blog!

Tips on avoiding the flu
1. Getting the flu shot is the most effective way of avoiding the flu virus because it helps your body build the defenses it needs to fight the flu.
Starting in mid-October, Custom Care Pharmacy will be providing flu vaccines again at the pharmacy. This is free for all patients with an OHIP card (health card). If you have received a flu vaccine at Custom Care Pharmacy last year, we will contact you as soon as the first batch of flu vaccines arrives. No appointment is necessary; however, scheduling an appointment ensures faster access.
2. Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly and often OR use an alcohol-based  hand sanitizer (gel or wipe). 
o    Make sure you wash your hands for at least 15 seconds or more.
o    The alcohol based hand sanitizer has to be at least  60% alcohol to be effective
With all the hand washing and disinfecting, we may be successful at avoiding the flu, but we can sometimes end up with very dry skin! Harsh soap can wash away your skin’s natural moisture barrier. Lower temperature also leads to lower humidity level, which causes dry skin on your face and hands. As we get older, our skin also becomes thinner and therefore, we can become more susceptible to dry skin compared to a few years before.

Tips on avoiding dry skin

1. Use a humidifier at home to keep air moist. Set humidity at a constant 45% to 55%

2. Moisturize your skin after every hand wash, face wash, shower and before you go outside.

Did you know that Custom Care Pharmacy can custom make preservative-free, fragrance-free skin cream at our special compounding lab? 

We use a combination of effective and natural ingredients such as Shea butter and Glycerin to create a skin cream that helps skin retain moisture naturally. We can also add special ingredients such as vitamin E oil, retinol serum and vitamin B (niacinamide) for anti-wrinkle and anti-dark spots treatments. 

This is a customized service that we provide for our members, starting at $20. Come in to try a free sample or Call us at 905-305-0111 for further details!

Tips on skin care ingredients

There are so many skin care products on the shelf, it can sometimes be difficult to find the one with the right ingredients for your skin. Here are some of the effective ingredients and the explanation on how they work:

Shea butter

Shea butter is extracted from the nut of the African shea tree that has natural soothing and moisturizing properties. Shea butter is full of nutrients, including vitamin A, which has many healing properties and has been known to aid in treating blemishes, wrinkles, eczema and dermatitis, as well as burns and even stretch marks. Shea butter is also packed with antioxidants like vitamin E , as well as polyphenols and phytonutrients. These ingredients make shea butter an anti-inflammatory, which is why it works so well at moisturizing and soothing all types of skin. 

Glycerin & Sodium Pyrrolidone Carboxylate (Also know as PCA)
These two ingredients attract moisture to your skin to keep it feeling smooth and moist.

Aloe vera
This ingredient comes from the Aloe Vera plant and it is widely used to soothe sunburn. It has also shown to be able to increase circulation in the tiny blood vessels in the skin as well as kill bacteria. These properties can be useful in healing dry, chapped skin.

Vitamin E
vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects and repairs your skin. Antioxidants are agents that neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals, which are molecules that damage collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles.

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
In multiple clinical studies, topical niacinamide (vitamin B3) has been observed to be well tolerated by skin and to provide a broad array of improvements in the appearance of aging facial skin such as reduction in the appearance of hyperpigmentated spots and red blotchiness.

In addition to previously observed benefits for topical niacinamide, additional effects were identified, such as:
  • Improved appearance of skin wrinkles and yellowing
  • Improved skin elasticity

Retinol is a form of vitamin A that can improve wrinkles and skin discolouration.

Mandelic Acid & Ascorbic Acid
Mandelic acid is an extract of bitter almonds that can make skin look smoother and more youthful. It is a gentle form of alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) that causes less redness and peeling than glycolic acid but it has shown to be just as effective.

Ascorbic Acid is commonly known as vitamin C. Most people have heard that vitamin C can improve wrinkles and skin discolouration. But many of the vitamin C products available on the shelf are weak because it is not freshly made. Custom made cream containing Ascorbic acid ensures that its potency is not lost.

This ingredient is only available through health care professional. It is an effective and potent medication to treat dark spots on skin. To understand the proper use of this ingredient, ask our pharmacist at Custom Care Pharmacy.

Custom Care Pharmacy has a compounding lab where we can custom make skin care formula to suit your needs. Come in or call us about your skin care needs today! 905-305-0111 

Tips from Registered Dietitian – Rowena Leung

When thinking of flu/cold prevention, many individuals automatically turn to Vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the easiest vitamins to obtain from food as long as you eat all different colours of vegetables & fruits. Some individuals may not know that oil of oregano is a natural antibiotic and can also help with flu/cold prevention. Because oil of oregano is a natural antibiotic, it kills both good and bad bacteria; therefore, only use oil of oregano when you are sick. Make sure that you are supplementing probiotic bacteria while you are taking oil of oregano to ensure that your level of good bacteria in the body is not compromised.

Here is a anti-oxidant rich salad perfect for the fall:

Kale and Sweet Potato Salad (makes 6 servings)

2                              medium sweet potatoes (sliced into wedges)
1                              sweet onion, sliced
2 clove                  garlics, minced
2 Tbsp                   olive oil

Sea Salt and Freshly Cracked Pepper to taste
1 Tbsp                   Dijon Mustard
2 Tbsp                   red wine vinegar
3 c                           baby kale, chopped
½ c                          toasted pecans
1 tsp                      maple syrup (optional)


  1. Pre-heat oven to 425oF.
  2. In a large bowl, toss together sweet potato, onion, garlic, oil, salt and pepper
  3. Transfer to a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Roast @ 425oF until sweet potatoes are golden and tender when pierced with a fork (~20 minutes). Transfer to a large bowl
  4. While potatoes are still hot, drizzle with red wine vinegar, Dijon and maple syrup; toss with kale to combine.
  5. Sprinkle with pecans