Saturday 27 August 2016

No annual physical check-ups for young and healthy individuals

If you are young and healthy, you might not have been to your doctor's office for a while. You might not realize that the traditional annual physical health examination is no longer being offered in Ontario.

In fact, the annual physical check-up for healthy people between the age of 18-64 has been replaced by "periodic health visit". This means you will no longer be getting the standard set of blood tests and the traditional "head-to-toe" examination once a year. Instead, the doctor will discuss and review health issues that are specific to the needs of the individual patients, taking into account your age and medical history.

People with chronic health problems, such as diabetes, asthma or a cancer history, will continue to have access to a full head-to-toe yearly physical examination.

This change has been in place for a few years in Ontario. Other provinces, such as New Brunswick Nova Scotia, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador have also implemented this change in their health care system.

The reason for replacing the traditional annual physical check up was because numerous studies have found that people who have a yearly check-up do not tend to be healthier or live any longer than those who forgo the visits. Furthermore, it helps reduce our government health care expenditure.

To stay healthy, we should not be relying on annual physical check-ups to catch potential diseases. We could discuss with our health care professionals on how to live a healthier lifestyle and to consult our doctors if abnormal health symptoms arise.

We could keep an eye on our own weight gain and modify our diet and exercise accordingly to prevent obesity related health problems. Custom Care Pharmacy offers the Ideal Protein weight loss method. Ask our pharmacists about this weight loss method to see if it is the right program for you. Call us at 905-305-0111 or email us at

We can also consider doing a genetic fitness test to help us identify our predispositions to high blood sugar, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, vitamin deficiencies, etc. The genetic test can also help you find the right type of diet and exercise that is specifically beneficial for you based on your DNA.

To find out more about genetic fitness test, you can go to the following website or email

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