Wednesday 23 December 2015








这里有一份美味,低脂肪,低碳水化合物的食谱是采用 Walden Farms 的不含热量和碳水化合物的芝麻生姜酱。这个配方是來自厨师 Dan Verati 的一本食谱书里,我们曾與我們的减肥患者分享,是帮助他们成功减肥后保持体重的食谱。

1 1/2磅的火鸡胸脯4


每份:卡路里398 19克脂肪44克蛋白质,18克碳水化合物



·        在热不粘锅加入葡萄籽油后,再加入花菜,煮熟后盛入碗内,待用。

著名的減肥厨师Dan Verati
將來Custom Care Pharmacy美健药房



Tuesday 22 December 2015

Healthy tips for holiday dinners!

Two years ago, we wrote a blog on preventing and managing problems that may arise from eating too many holiday meals. This year, we would like to remind you of some of the healthy tips and provide you with some delicious recipes that are low in fat and low in carbohydrates!

Healthy tips for holiday meals: 

1. When you are putting the turkey or roast beef on your plate, make sure you leave lots of room for vegetables (raw or cooked). If you can choose, try to pick lean meat (like chicken breast) or fish for your meal. 

2.  Eat slowly. When you eat too fast, your body cannot produce digestive enzymes fast enough and that can lead to indigestion. Furthermore, it takes at least 20 minutes of eating for our brain to register a satiated signal that tells us we are "full". So if we eat slowly, we will feel full without eating too much.

3. During your meal, choose a vegetable or fish broth soup over drinking alcohol or soda pop. Consuming alcohol and soda pop can disrupt our blood sugar level and the excess sugar is converted into fat inside our body. 

4. After having a holiday meal, try not to go straight to bed or lie down on a sofa to watch TV. Although you should not do intense exercise after a meal, a leisure walk or other low intensity activities can help with digestion and burn off some calories from your meal. 

Here is a delicious and low fat, low carbohydrates recipe using Walden Farms, zero calories, zero carbohydrates, Sesame Ginger Dressing. This recipe is from "My Ideal Recipes" by Chef Daniel Verati, a book of recipes that we share with our weight loss patients to help them maintain their weight after a successful diet. 

Turkey Teriyaki & Cauliflower rice

1 1/2 pounds turkey breast 4 pieces
4 cups soybean sprouts
2 cups green peppers
2 cups green onions
2 teaspoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons garlic
2 teaspoons ginger (chopped fine)
1/4 cup walden farms Seasame Ginger Dressing
1 tablespoon seasame oil
1 clove garlic minced
  • Combine lemon juice, dressing and sesame oil. Use 1/2 to marinade turkey (30 mins to 2 hours). Set aside
  • Broil cutlets (4 to 6 mins per side) brushing often with reserved marinade. 
  • Saute ginger and garlic in olive oil. Add peppers and onions. Cook for 3 mins.
  • Add soybean sprouts and reserved marinade and saute 5 mins. 
  • Serve turkey on soybean sprouts
Per serving: 398 calories, 19 g fat, 44 g protein, 17 g carbohydrates

Cauliflower Rice (as an alternative to rice)
  • 1 head of cauliflower, cut into slices and put into blender/chopper to make rice-size bits
  • In a hot non-stick pan with grape seed oil, add cauliflower; let cook. pour into bowl and set aside

Custom Care Pharmacy will be having a 
healthy cooking demonstration event 
with the famous weight loss chef, Daniel Verati! 

Date: Sunday, Jan 31st 2015
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Location: Custom Care Pharmacy

Call 905-305-0111 to reserve your seat. 
Don't forget to bring your friends and family! 

Thursday 26 November 2015



首先,我們要看看您正在使用的肥皂和保濕霜。如果你喜歡花很長的時間在淋浴, 和使用普通肥皂,這些都可以使你的皮膚很幹。最好是使用溫和的皮膚清潔劑(如 Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser),並在寒冷季節少用很熱的水淋浴。

潤膚露 (Lotion) 通常含有酒精和香料,可使你的皮膚乾燥和刺激。選擇乳霜類, 無香味的保濕霜較適合舒緩你的乾燥皮膚。對於那些有特殊敏感肌膚的,小心商店買保濕劑裡面的化學防腐劑, 有時會引起過敏和皮膚狀況惡化。


該護膚霜中含有的天然成分,NataPres,包含多個植物提取物,能自然保存護膚霜, 對抗細菌和真菌的生長。





Wednesday 25 November 2015

Taking care of your dry skin

When the temperature plunges down to below zero, the drop in humidity in the outdoor air can strip moisture from our skin. Indoor heating without the use of a humidifier can also cause dry skin. To avoid having dry, itchy and irritated skin all winter long, there are a few things that you can do.

First of all, take a look at the soap and moisturizer that you are currently using. Taking a long, hot shower and using a regular soap can make your skin very dry. It is best to use a gentle skin cleanser ( i.e. Cetaphil) and use less hot water in your shower during the cold season.

Moisturizers that are in a lotion often contains alcohol and fragrance that can dry and irritate your skin. Choose a moisturizer that is cream based and without fragrance to soothe your dry skin.

For people with extra sensitive skin, the chemical preservatives that are present in common off-the-shelf moisturizers can sometimes cause irritation and flare-ups of skin conditions.

At Custom Care Pharmacy, we now provide a 100% All natural skin moisturizer that we can dispense to you without a prescription. 

The All Natural Skin Cream contains ingredients that are 100% from vegetable sources, with absolutely no chemical preservatives

The natural ingredient, NataPres, contains extract of multiple plants that can naturally preserve the cream against bacteria and fungus growth.

Furthermore, we dispense the All Natural Skin Cream in an airless jar to prevent contamination that sometimes can occur with common twist top vials.

Of course, we continue to provide our classic moisturizers: both in strong base and light base. The classic moisturizers can be boosted with anti-wrinkle ingredients. Just ask us to "add booster"!  

Custom made Skin lightening treatment cream are also available.  

Contact us in store for further details or call us at 905-305-0111.

Friday 30 October 2015

The difference between the nasal spray flu vaccine and the flu shot

As you may have heard that this year, children and youth between the age of 5-17 years, living in Ontario can choose to get the nasal spray flu vaccine or the flu shot.
Here's what you need to know about the nasal spray flu vaccine: 

Then nasal spray flu vaccine is called FluMist Quadrivalent. It contains a live, attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV). A live vaccine contains a weakened form of the virus that causes the flu. 

This weakened virus does not cause disease and should not give you the flu if you have a healthy immune system. However, as your body responds to the weakened virus and begins to produce an immune response, you may experience some flu-like symptoms. 

The most common side effects in kids are runny/stuffy nose, reduced appetite, weakness, headache and fever. FluMist Quadrivalent does not contain any preservatives. 

The nasal spray vaccine is a gentle mist that needs to be administered to both nostrils. The administration of the vaccine should be done by your doctor, nurse or a trained pharmacist. 

This is a useful alternative for children who avoid the flu vaccine due to their fear of needles. Unfortunately, adults 18 years and above are not eligible for the nasal spray vaccine, unless they pay for the vaccine. 

The flu shot is an inactivated or recombinant vaccine, which means it does NOT contain any live flu virus. It cannot cause the flu. The side effects with getting a flu shot can include the following: soreness or swelling on the site of injection, fever, headache, cough and hoarseness, fatigue and aches, itching and itchy eyes. 

Custom Care Pharmacy will be providing flu vaccines to patients once again. 

The flu vaccine is the best form of defense against the flu virus. Symptoms of the flu can include fever, cough or sore throat, headache and tiredness. Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea. Since it takes about 2 weeks for the flu vaccine to give you protection, it is best to get the vaccine early.
The flu vaccines will be arriving at Custom Care Pharmacy very soon. 

You can call us at 905-305-0111 to register your name so that we can contact you as soon as we get the vaccines at our pharmacy. As usual, we are available to provide immunization during our normal store hours, we are open from 10am to 8pm Mondays to Fridays and on Saturdays from 9:30am to 5pm.  

Don't forget to moisturize! 

As the weather gets colder, our skin can get dry very quickly. Custom Care Pharmacy now offers an ALL NATURAL moisturizer. The ingredients are 100% from vegetable sources. Our classic custom made moisturizers are still available in strong and regular strength. Come in or call us to pre-order yours. 905-305-0111

Have a safe and happy Hallowe’en!



你可能聽說過今年 5-17歲居住在安省的兒童和青少年可以選擇免費獲得鼻噴劑流感疫苗。但是你對於這種鼻噴劑流感疫苗知道多少?






美健藥房今年再次為社區提供流感疫苗註射服務!由於現時各地區都有很大的需求,美健藥房正等候流感疫苗的供應。歡迎來電 905-305-0111登記名字,一有流感疫苗我們會立刻通知你。



 隨著天氣漸漸變冷,我們的皮膚乾燥速度非常快。美健藥房現在提供了一種全天然的保濕劑成分是100從植物來源! 絕不含化學品。還可自選添加香味或抗皺成份聯絡我們: (905 305-0111


Tuesday 29 September 2015

喉嚨痛 該怎麼辦呢?






喉嚨痛 患者經常會要求抗生素處方。但是,如果喉嚨痛是由感冒病毒引起,抗生素治療是不行的。抗生素治療是只對細菌,如鏈球菌細菌咽喉炎有效。

要診斷咽喉炎,你可以使用一個快速鏈球菌測試 (Rapid Strep Test)或你的醫生可以發送咽拭子實驗室做測試。

*快速鏈球菌測試 RAPID STREP TEST在美健藥房出售。




消息!! 美健藥房旁邊的診所有一個新的醫生加入!




Do you have a sore throat?

As we enter into the fall season, we often see patients complaining of a sore throat.  Sore throat is commonly the first sign of a cold. It can be caused by viruses or bacteria. The most common causes of sore throats are viruses. This type of sore throat often gets better on its own after a few days. However, cold symptoms such as runny nose and congestion may follow the sore throat symptom.

Strep throat is a type of sore throat that is caused by an infection due to streptococcus bacteria. With strep throat, the sore throat is often more severe and persists.

There are also other causes of sore throat such as, smoking, pollution or irritants in the air, allergies, and dry air.

What kind of medication is used to treat a sore throat?

Patients will often ask for an antibiotic prescription when they have a sore throat. However, if the sore throat is caused by a cold virus, an antibiotic treatment will not work. An antibiotic treatment is only effective against bacteria, such as the streptococcus bacteria in strep throat.

To diagnose strep throat, you can get a Rapid Strep Test or your doctor can send a throat swab to the lab for a culture.

*Rapid Strep Test is available at Custom Care Pharmacy.* 

This test gives you results within 5 minutes and you can immediately get a prescription treatment via Telemedicine service! 

Custom Care Pharmacy is open from 10am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5pm on Saturdays. Call us at 905-305-0111 to find out more!
For a sore throat caused by a cold virus, over-the-counter cold medications may relieve some of the symptoms.  In addition, drinking warm liquids, gargling with salt water and getting enough rest are things that can help to feel better.

New Walk-in & Family Doctor besides Custom Care Pharmacy

Dr. Ricky Hsu (family doctor) will begin accepting new patients starting Oct 1st, 2015. 

Dr. Hsu is fluent in English, Mandarin and Taiwanese. He is a graduate of University of Toronto and he has been a medical doctor in Canada and Taiwan for over 20 years. 

Medical clinic hours:

Mon    Dr. Hsu 10am - 1pm   
Tues   Dr. Cheng   10am - 7pm
Wed    Dr. Cheng  10am – 7pm
Thurs  Dr. Hsu 10am -1pm
Fri       Dr. Cheng  10am – 7pm

Call 416-291-0033 to book an appointment

Sunday 23 August 2015

Telemedicine: 點擊一下,您可以與醫生直接諮詢!

美健藥房是萬錦市唯一的一間可提供 Telemedicine 醫療服務的藥房。








作為一個不以營利為目的的組織,安省telemedicine醫療網絡 是由安大略政府資助。您可以通過點擊下面的鏈接閱讀更多有關安大略省telemedicine醫療網絡的信息:





如果您需要治療唇皰疹,你可以問 Telemedicine 醫生開處方藥處方藥膏,以防止和減少嘴唇起泡。

紅眼病或眼部感染都是兒童中很常見,你可以問 Telemedicine 醫生開抗生素眼藥水治療。

對於輕微的皮膚症狀,如皮疹,蟲咬,腳氣,輕微燒傷等,你可以問醫生開處方藥膏, 比一般購買的藥物更有效地治療這些症狀。


Telemedicine 醫生也可以幫助你更新你的處方藥。所以,如果你用完了你的藥物處方您可以要求醫生幫你更新處方。然而,管制藥品是不允許的。


程醫生, 每週二,週三和週五,上午十時至晚上7時開診。他的診所位於美健藥房旁邊。

Telemedicine 醫療網絡診所每週一,週四,上午九時半至晚上八時開診, 週六上午九時半至下午2時。



 大廚Daniel Verati 是“我的理想食譜” 作者和 的廚師顧問。他即將來美健藥房做烹飪示範! 教我們如何烹製美味的低碳水化合和低脂肪食物!快來登記,座位有限
 日期:星期日 2015年8月30日    時間:2-4pm

RSVP: 905-305-0111

Telemedicine at Custom Care Pharmacy: Click and you can see a doctor now

Custom Care Pharmacy is the only location in Markham providing telemedicine walk-in medical service. 

Patients can ask an Ontario licensed medical doctor for a prescription through a computer monitor in our exam room, using a secured 2-way videoconferencing technology.

Because there are over 30 medical doctors accessible through telemedicine, the wait time to talk to a doctor is only a few minutes. 

This program is funded by the Ontario government. All you need to do is to bring your health card to see a doctor. 

If you are not an Ontario resident, you may see the doctor for a fee. This payment will be collected at the pharmacy on behalf of the telemedicine doctor.  

What is Telemedicine? 

The Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) is one of the largest telemedicine networks in the world. This technology is being used in every hospital and hundreds of clinics across Ontario. 

OTN’s first application for emergency care, telestroke, is a success story. For eight years, the first-of-its-kind telemedicine application provides emergency physicians in the hospital with immediate access via video to neurologists with expertise in stroke care who can assess and treat patients experiencing acute stroke.

Using innovative technology, OTN streamlines the health care process, while also expanding the way knowledge is shared and how the medical professionals interacts with each other and with patients.  

As an independent, not-for-profit organization, OTN is funded by the Government of Ontario. You can read more about the Ontario Telemedicine Network by clicking on the following link:

What kind of prescription can I ask for? 

If the over-the-counter treatment is not relieving your symptoms, you may ask the doctor for a more effective prescription medication or for one that is covered by your benefit plan. Here are some common examples: 

If you have seasonal allergy symptoms (such as itchy and watery eyes, stuff nose) and they are not relieved by over-the-counter products, you can ask the telemedicine doctor for a prescription treatment to relieve those symptoms. 

If you need treatment for cold sores, you can ask the telemedicine doctor to prescribe a cold sore ointment to prevent and reduce the blistering lesion on your lip. 

Pink eye (infective conjunctivitis) are very common in kids, you can ask the telemedicine doctor to prescribe an antibiotic eye drop to treat the infection right away. 

For minor skin conditions, such as rash, insect bites, athlete's foot, minor burn, etc., you can ask the telemedicine doctor to prescribe an ointment or cream to treat these conditions more effectively. 

You can also ask the telemedicine doctor for a prescription treatment for acne, impetigo, canker sores, just to name a few examples. 

The telemedicine doctor can also help you renew your prescription medication . So if you run out of your medication and your family doctor is not available to renew it, you can ask the telemedicine doctor to renew the prescription for you. However, no narcotic and controlled drugs are permitted.

What if I want to see a doctor in person? 

Dr. Hang Cheng is an Ontario licensed medical doctor that will see walk-in patients on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10am to 7pm. His clinic is located right beside Custom Care Pharmacy. 

The telemedicine walk in service is available inside Custom Care Pharmacy on Monday and Thursday from 9:30am to 8pm and Saturday from 9:30am to 2pm.

Upcoming event at Custom Care Pharmacy:

On Sunday August 30th, from 2pm to 4pm, 

Custom Care Pharmacy is hosting a patient seminar to discuss weight management to prevent the "3 highs" of high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high cholesterol.

** Famous Chef Daniel Verati, the author of "My Ideal Recipes"   will be coming to do a healthy low carb, low fat cooking demonstration for us!**

Please RSVP soon by calling us at 905-305-0111