Friday 23 December 2016







我們还參与了多倫多大學的糖尿病中心Banting & Best計劃,為藥劑師和患者開發更好的糖尿病教育工具。

在新的一年里我們友善和专业的藥房工作人員将不懈地努力工作,為您和家人提供更好,更全面的藥房服務!我們即將推出的博客主題包括:用于過敏反應的緊急救护的generic Epipen注射器,藥物和大麻的相互作用,皮膚疣的新的療法,全天然護膚品,治療失眠的非處方药等等。



週六1224 上午9:30至下午3:00
星期日 1225 - 1227 星期二 休息

週六1231 上午9:30至下午3:00
星期日 11 - 12 星期一 休息


Thursday 22 December 2016

Wishing you a happy holiday!

At Custom Care Pharmacy, we appreciate your business and we are thankful for your continuous support.  We reached some major milestones this year and we would like to share them with you.

We have met with more than 10,000 individual patient since we opened

We passed our 1st & 2nd routine inspection from the Ontario College of Pharmacists

We have mentored students, registered technicians and foreign-trained pharmacist

We helped close to 100 people lose weight and achieve a healthier lifestyle

We participated in the Banting & Best Diabetes Center University of Toronto knowledge translation program to help develop better diabetes education tools for pharmacists and patients

Our friendly and knowledgeable team of staff works tirelessly to provide you and your family with even more and even better pharmacy services in the new year! Our upcoming blog topics includes: the launch of generic Epipen, drug interactions with marijuana, new skin wart treatment, all natural skin care, over-the-counter insomnia treatment, and much, much more!

We wish you and your family a happy holiday and a prosperous new year!

**It is not too late to get your flu vaccine. We still have some nasal flu vaccines available for children 5 yrs to 17 yrs old. Adult flu shots are also available.**

Our holiday hours are as follow:

Sat Dec 24th 9:30am to 3pm
Sun Dec 25th - Tues Dec 27th  Closed

Sat Dec 31st 9:30am to 3pm
Sun Jan 1st - Mon Jan 2nd Closed

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at
905-305-0111 Custom Care Pharmacy

Wednesday 30 November 2016


當我們接近節日期間,很多人都開始考慮買什麼禮物給家人和朋友。 有時候,為長者選擇恰當的禮物是很不容易。在美健藥房,我們了解長者。 這裡是我們的一些長者會喜歡的禮物建議!

Conair Professional Percussion Massager (專業電動按摩器)
按摩可以緩解炎症,改善血液流動和減少肌肉緊張。 對於頻繁肌肉不適的老年人,這可以幫助提供一些緩解。
  • 紅外熱鏡頭舒緩壓力過點
  • 3套可互換的深層組織按摩墊(軟,中等或硬)
  • 可調按摩速度,優化按摩強度
  • 輕便易於使用, 手感舒適
  • 9'繩,以提高機動性
  • 兩年有限保修
美健藥房 Custom Care Pharmacy $ 49.99  特價$ 41.99

Crane Portable Humidifier (迷你加濕器)

  • 迷你加濕器使用方便,重量輕。
  • 增加空氣濕度,更容易呼吸和良好的夜間睡眠
  • 運行安靜提供水杯或任何標準尺寸杯
  • 自動關閉當儲罐為空時,傳感器自動關閉加濕器
  • 合適的房間面積:約250平方英尺或23平方米

美健藥房 Custom Care Pharmacy $ 45.99 特價$ 39.99

Conair Bubbling Foot Bath (按摩泡腳浴)

  • 可調設置結合振動,氣泡和熱
  • 2個氣泡條
  • 4足部按摩滾輪到目標反射壓力點
  • 3修腳附件與存儲附件
  • 超深設計,全腳浸入
  • 擋板
  • 保持水溫在34ºC
  • 一年有限保修
美健藥房 Custom Care Pharmacy $ 39.99 特價$ 32.99

Happylight Liberty 5K Energy Lamp (愉快的心情和能量燈) 

  • 自然地提高你的心情和能量
  • 擊敗“冬季抑鬱”和季節變化的影響
  • 戰鬥疲勞和增加警覺
  • 重拾焦點和集中
美健藥房 Custom Care Pharmacy $ 45.99 特價$ 39.99

Sunbeam® Renue™ Tension Relief Heating Pad (肌肉張力緩解加熱墊)
  • 直接提供治療鬆弛熱到應力和應變的區域,
  • 濕熱選項,帶4個熱設置
美健藥房 Custom Care Pharmacy $ 58.99 特價$ 45.99

Bausch & Lomb Thera Pearl Eye Mask (Baush & Lomb除眼袋珍珠眼膜)

嘗試Bausch & Lomb 珍珠眼膜來幫助你的眼睛看起來每天都感覺更好。
 眼罩可以冷或熱使用。 把它放在你的眼睛和鼻竇,或額頭。 其柔軟的形狀保持沒有滴水或洩漏。 治療溫度持續約20放鬆分鐘,幫助你的眼睛感覺非常舒適。

美健藥房 Custom Care Pharmacy $ 22.99 特價$ 18.99

AVEENO® Stress Relief Body Wash +
AVEENO® Stress Relief Moisturizing Lotion  

  • 兩倍的水分和平靜的氣味,放鬆你的頭腦和滋養你的皮膚。
  • 這些配方在臨床上顯示有助於滋潤和緩解皮膚乾燥。
  • 活性NATURALS®膠體燕麥是皮膚科醫生信任和推薦的成分。 燕麥可以幫助恢復和保持皮膚的水分屏障,以防止和保護皮膚乾燥。
美健藥房 Custom Care Pharmacy $ 29.99 特價$ 22.99

美健藥房 Custom Care Pharmacy
週六上午9:30至下午5:00。 不要忘記接收您的流感疫苗! 


Wednesday 23 November 2016

Holiday gift ideas for seniors

As we approach the holiday season, many of us are starting to think about gifts for our family and friends. Sometimes it could be challenging to pick just the right gift for the seniors in your life. At Custom Care Pharmacy, we know seniors because we see them everyday. Here are some of our recommendations for gifts that we know seniors would appreciate!

Conair Professional Percussion Massager
A massage can ease inflammation, improve blood flow and reduce muscle tightness. For seniors with frequent muscle discomfort, this could help provide some relief. 
  • Infrared heat lens penetrates and soothes overstressed spots
  • 3 sets of interchangeable pads customize your deep tissue massage with soft, medium or hard pads
  • Variable massage speed to optimize massage intensity
  • Soft, padded grip for comfort, lightweight for easy use
  • 9′ line cord for greater maneuverability
  • Two year limited warranty
 Available at Custom Care Pharmacy $49.99  NOW $41.99 

Crane Portable Humidfier 

Large humidifier uses a water tank that can be difficult for seniors to lift when it is filled. The screw cap on the tank can also be challenging to open especially for seniors with arthritis. Crane Portable Humidifier is easy to use and light weight.    
  • Increases air moisture for easier breathing and a good night's sleep
  • Runs whisper quiet with provided portable water cup or any standard size cup
  • Auto Shut Off Sensor turns humidifier off automatically when tank is empty
  • Suitable room size: approximately 250 sq.ft or 23 sq.m
Available at Custom Care Pharmacy $45.99  NOW $39.99 

Conair Bubbling Foot Bath

  • Custom spa settings combine vibration & heat and bubbles & heat
  • 2 bubble strips
  • 4 foot massager rollers to target reflexology pressure points
  • 3 pedicure attachments with a storage attachment
  • Extra deep design for full foot immersion
  • Splashguard
  • Maintains water temperature at 34ºC
  • One year limited warranty
Available at Custom Care Pharmacy $39.99  NOW $32.99 

Happylight Liberty 5K Energy Lamp 
  • Improve Your Mood and Energy…Naturally
  • Beat the “Winter Blues” and the Effects of Seasonal Change
  • Fight Fatigue and Increase Alertness
  • Regain Focus and Concentration
Available at Custom Care Pharmacy $45.99  NOW $39.99 

Sunbeam® Renue™ Tension Relief Heating Pad


  • Provides therapeutic relaxing heat directly to the area of stress and strain, Weighted at edges, Moist-heat option with 4 heat settings

Available at Custom Care Pharmacy $58.99  NOW $45.99 

Bausch & Lomb Thera Pearl Eye Mask

Try the Thera Pearl Eye Mask to help your eyes look and feel better every day. The mask can be used cold or hot. Place it over your eyes and sinuses, or slide it up to your forehead. Its pliable, face-hugging shape stays put without drips or leaks. The therapeutic temperature lasts approximately 20 relaxing minutes and feels very comfortable on your eyes.

Available at Custom Care Pharmacy $22.99  NOW $18.99 

AVEENO® Stress Relief Body Wash +
AVEENO® Stress Relief Moisturizing Lotion  

Use AVEENO® Stress Relief Lotion with AVEENO® Stress Relief body wash for twice the moisture and calming scents to relax your mind and nourish your skin. These formulas are clinically shown to help moisturize and relieve dry skin. ACTIVE NATURALS® Colloidal Oatmeal is an ingredient trusted and recommended by dermatologists. Oatmeal can help restore and maintain skin’s moisture barrier to prevent and protect dry skin.

Available at Custom Care Pharmacy (both) $29.99  NOW $22.99

Custom Care Pharmacy is open Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 8 pm. Saturday from 9:30 am to 5pm. Remember to get your flu shot soon!  Call us at 905-305-0111 or email us at

Friday 28 October 2016








流感病毒种类很多,它們还会不斷地變化。加拿大衛生部会在流感季節開始的6個月之前开始選擇流感病毒种类 ,它包含世界衛生組織推薦的北半球菌株。



另:2016年10月29星期六下午1-2点张美芝药剂师将主讲:肝脏健康专题之加拿大医疗与药物计划全接触。地址:105 Gibson drive Gibson centre, markham. 欢迎有兴趣的人士参与。

Thursday 27 October 2016

Have you received your annual flu vaccine this season?

Have you received your annual flu vaccine this season?

Everyone 6 months and older should get a flu vaccine every year by the end of October.
Custom Care Pharmacy is offering free flu vaccine to adults and children over the age of 5 with a valid Ontario health card.

If are not in town in October or November to get your vaccination, it is ok to get it later. Some people may return from travel abroad and get their flu vaccine as late as January.  

Getting an annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu. By having more people get the flu vaccine, more people will be protected from flu, including older people, very young children, pregnant women and people with certain health conditions who are more vulnerable to serious flu complications.

For moms-to-be and new mothers, it is safe to get vaccinated during pregnancy and soon after the baby is born. Since new born babies (0-6 months) are too young to receive the flu shot, it is recommended that the mom gets vaccinated to protect both the mom and the baby. If you are breastfeeding, it is safe to get flu shot.  

There are many flu viruses and they are constantly changing. The vaccine selection by Health Canada occurs more than 6 months prior to the start of the flu season and it contains the world health organization recommended strains for the northern hemisphere.

The injectable flu vaccine contains inactivated vaccine, which means it does not contain any live flu virus. A different, live, attenuated (weakened) flu vaccine is sprayed into the nostrils.

Children age 2 to 17 yrs old are eligible to get the nasal spray flu vaccine. If you would like your child to receive the nasal spray flu vaccine, call us to check for availability.
Custom Care Pharmacy is open every Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 8pm.
Saturday from 9:30am to 5pm.

No appointment is required for flu shots.

Call us at 905-305-0111 if you have any questions.

Wednesday 28 September 2016



從單身老人的收入从$16,018 提高為$ 19,300,高收入夫婦從$24,175提高為$32,300。所有不超过这些值的低收入的老年人將繼續 每張處方支付$ 2,沒有年度的垫底费。

在美健藥房,我們免收$ 2的處方共付费。

這部分建議已於今年81日實施了,符合2016年新低收入标准的老年人可申请$ 2的處方共付费。申請表可在網上可找到(點擊下面的鏈接),或者你可以來美健藥房拿一份免費的表格填寫。網上申請表格:

同時,老年人達到或超過新的收入标准的原定需要支付更高的年度垫底费,每年從$ 100提高到$ 170,每張處方支付的費用则由$ 6.11上升到 $ 7.11。然而,由於老人的團體和反對派政治家的強烈抗議,政府撤銷了這一建議。


美健藥房,那些需要支付$ 6.11的老年人我们只收$ 2.11


安大略省政府915日宣布, 65歲至70歲的老人有資格獲得免費的帶狀皰疹疫苗。




Monday 26 September 2016

Updates on the Ontario Drug Benefit for seniors and the coverage of shingles vaccines

Earlier this year, the Ontario government announced changes to the Ontario Drug Benefit system. The proposed changes include raising the qualifying income threshold to $19,300 from $16,018 for single seniors, and to $32,300 from $24,175 for senior couples. Low-income seniors who do not surpass the threshold will continue to pay a $2 co-payment per prescription with no annual deductible. 

At Custom Care Pharmacy, we waive the $2 copay for seniors 

This part of the proposal was implemented on August 1, 2016. seniors who are below the income thresholds are now eligible for the Co-payment Application for Seniors. The application form can be found online (click the link below) or you can come to Custom Care Pharmacy to pick up a free form to fill out.

Online application form:
Meanwhile, seniors who are at or above the updated income thresholds was going to have to pay more for their annual deductible, from $100 to $170 annually, and the fee paid per prescription, from $6.11 to $7.11. However, due to outcry from senior's groups and opposition politicians, the government withdrew their decision for this part of the proposed changes. 
This means that the annual deductible for seniors who are at or above the updated income thresholds will continue to pay just $100 for their annual deductible and the prescription fee remains at $6.11 per prescription. 
At Custom Care Pharmacy, we waive $2.11 off for seniors that need to pay $6.11 

What about the shingles vaccines? 
The Ontario government announced on September 15th that seniors between the age 65 to 70 years old are eligible to receive the free shingles vaccine. If you are turning 71 in 2016 (i.e. born in 1945) you can still get the free shingles vaccine if you get it before December 31 of this year. 
The free shingles vaccine is provided to you through your family doctor or nurse practitioner, similar to getting your flu shots at your doctor's office. 
More information about the free shingle vaccine in Ontario is available on the following webpage:
If you have any questions about the shingles vaccine or about the ODB co-payment application, call our pharmacists at Custom Care Pharmacy 905-305-0111. 

Saturday 27 August 2016

No annual physical check-ups for young and healthy individuals

If you are young and healthy, you might not have been to your doctor's office for a while. You might not realize that the traditional annual physical health examination is no longer being offered in Ontario.

In fact, the annual physical check-up for healthy people between the age of 18-64 has been replaced by "periodic health visit". This means you will no longer be getting the standard set of blood tests and the traditional "head-to-toe" examination once a year. Instead, the doctor will discuss and review health issues that are specific to the needs of the individual patients, taking into account your age and medical history.

People with chronic health problems, such as diabetes, asthma or a cancer history, will continue to have access to a full head-to-toe yearly physical examination.

This change has been in place for a few years in Ontario. Other provinces, such as New Brunswick Nova Scotia, Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador have also implemented this change in their health care system.

The reason for replacing the traditional annual physical check up was because numerous studies have found that people who have a yearly check-up do not tend to be healthier or live any longer than those who forgo the visits. Furthermore, it helps reduce our government health care expenditure.

To stay healthy, we should not be relying on annual physical check-ups to catch potential diseases. We could discuss with our health care professionals on how to live a healthier lifestyle and to consult our doctors if abnormal health symptoms arise.

We could keep an eye on our own weight gain and modify our diet and exercise accordingly to prevent obesity related health problems. Custom Care Pharmacy offers the Ideal Protein weight loss method. Ask our pharmacists about this weight loss method to see if it is the right program for you. Call us at 905-305-0111 or email us at

We can also consider doing a genetic fitness test to help us identify our predispositions to high blood sugar, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, vitamin deficiencies, etc. The genetic test can also help you find the right type of diet and exercise that is specifically beneficial for you based on your DNA.

To find out more about genetic fitness test, you can go to the following website or email

Friday 29 July 2016



現在有一些新的2型糖尿病藥物名為[鈉 - 葡萄糖共同轉運器2型]抑製劑(SGLT2抑製劑)。有別於傳統的糖尿藥物, 這些藥物的治療機制是藉由阻斷腎臟的葡萄糖再吸收而發揮作用,增加葡萄糖於尿液中排泄,而降低糖尿病患者的血糖濃度。這些藥物的額外好處是可以幫助減肥。目前該類藥物包括:

  • Canagliflozin卡格列淨(Invokana)
  • Dapagliflozin 福適佳膜衣錠(Forxiga)
  • Empagliflozin 恩排糖膜衣錠(Jardiance)

在常見的副作用方面,由於這些藥會阻斷糖分與鹽類的再吸收,因此也具有利尿作用。如果你患有腎臟疾病或正在服用利尿藥的話,排尿過多可能會導致脫水。因此在服食這些藥物前請先諮詢您的醫生。此外, 這些藥物可能會使血管內容積減少而導致姿勢性低血壓,產生暈眩或昏厥等不良反應, 長者要特別留意。

其他常見的不良反應為陰道念珠菌感染(vulvovaginal candidiasis)及尿道感染。原因在於服藥後,更多糖分於尿液的排出可能會導致酵母菌增加繁殖而引致生殖器部位受真菌感染。男性和女性都會有這風險。另外要注意的是有否尿道炎的病徵,如小便頻密及於小便時劇痛或出血。

此外, 要是於接受治療時出現以下的情況,請立即請教您的醫生:  酮症酸中毒,腎臟出現問題和骨折。請於服用這些藥物前向您的醫生與藥濟師,了解此一新機制糖尿病藥的風險和益處。

目前,Canagliflozin(Invokana)和 Empagliflozin(Jardiance)已納入安大略省藥品福利計劃。對於不具資格領取安大略省藥品福利的人,可向您的藥劑師查詢 InnoviCares 藥物計劃。InnoviCares 藥物計劃申請是免費的, 計劃幫助支付100% Dapagliflozin(Forxiga)藥的費用。


美健藥房 905-305-0111

Wednesday 27 July 2016

The new medicines for type 2 diabetes

Most people are familiar with diabetes medications, such as metformin, glucobay or glyburide. These are drugs that work by helping your body make insulin or use the insulin better to reduce the level of blood sugar in your body. There are newer medicines for type 2 diabetes that are different because they do not work on insulin. This new class of medicine is called sodium-glucose transporters 2 inhibitors (SGLT2 inhibitors). The available drugs in this class of medicines include: 
  • Canagliflozin (Invokana)
  • Dapagliflozin (Forxiga)
  • Empagliflozin (Jardiance)
These drugs work by helping your body excrete glucose (the sugar in your blood) through your urine. Your blood sugar level will go down once the glucose leaves your body through your urine. An extra benefit of these medications is that they have shown to help with weight loss as well. 

In terms of common side effects, elderly people with kidney disease and people who are taking diuretics can become at risk of dehydration. Therefore, it is important to let your doctor know if you are taking diuretics or if you have kidney disease. Furthermore, because these medications cause glucose to pass through the urinary tract to be excreted in urine, there is a higher risk for yeast infection in the genital area for both male and female patients. Some patients may also feel the urge to urinate more often. 

There are some less common but serious side effects, such as the risk of developing ketoacidosis, risk of kidney problems and bone fractures. Make sure you talk to your doctor and pharmacist to better understand the risks and benefits of taking these medications for type 2 diabetes. 

Currently, Canagliflozin (Invokana) and Empagliflozin (Jardiance) are covered by the Ontario Drug Benefit. For patients that are not covered by the Ontario Drug Benefit, Dapagliflozin (Forxiga) is 100% covered by innoviCares in all provinces and territories in Canada. If you have questions about the cost and insurance coverage of these medications, feel free to contact us at Custom Care Pharmacy 905-305-0111 and speak to our pharmacists!

Wednesday 29 June 2016


在美健药房,我们為想减肥的人提供Ideal Protein减肥法。Ideal Protein减肥法是分4個階段,鼓励你的身体燃烧脂肪,同时保持肌肉组织。在这篇博客中,我们将解释这種减肥方法背后的科学。


一份以饱和脂肪和碳水化合物為主的饮食,如面包的,谷物,松饼,蛋糕,糕点,面食,薄饼,大米,玉米 - 非常像北美的饮食 容易 造成胰腺产生過多的胰岛素。

Ideal Protein 减肥法如何燃烧脂肪但保持肌肉的?

Ideal Protein减肥方法是通過限制碳水化合物的食入,直到实现100的减肥目标。然而,如前面提到的,当碳水化合物储备耗尽后,身体就會利用到其蛋白质和脂肪的储备來產生能量。這時,你如何令身体只燃烧脂肪的储备而和保留肌肉?
首先,為身體提供含8种必需氨基酸,97吸收率的生物蛋白质食物。在Ideal Protein食品产品中使用的蛋白质包括:乳清分离物,大豆分离物,全脂牛奶蛋白,豌豆蛋白,白蛋白,和水解胶原蛋白。
其次,在Ideal Protein减肥飲食的限制期間,服用营养丰富的补充劑如Natura的多種維他命,Natura钙和镁,Omega-3 Plus和钾以取代那些通常存在于食物用於維持肌肉的营养素。

使用Ideal Protein減肥后,還需保持健康的生活方式

使用Ideal Protein减肥法最重要的收穫,除了减肥效果外,還可以学习如何多吃新鲜蔬菜和肉类, 少吃碳水化合物。雖然饮食习惯是很难改变的,然而,当人们可以达到满意的减肥效果時,往往更容易激励他们通过修改他们的饮食习惯,以保持减肥成果。

2-4 pm舉行免费的Ideal Protein减肥講座
還有Dr. Catherine WangeneDecode Canada 的执行董事,

有關基因测试的更多信息可以 或者 找到              
如果您有兴趣了解更多关于Ideal Protein质减肥法有關基因测试揭示遗传天赋,性格和身体的健康,发电子邮件在customcaretips@gmail.com给我们或致电905-305-0111预订座位。